The chicken noodle soup for the soul. Quote by Bjorn Loblack himself when referring to his latest album Different Perspective. I put my blood sweat and tears towards this album because it's more than just words accompanied by beats. It's life lessons I've learned while growing and dealing with the many obstacles life has to offer. "In a world devoided of love and support, depression and suicide on an all time high, there couldn't be a better time for this album to come out".
I struggled with depression myself, and suffered in silence for many years. However! My father in heaven provided me with my purpose and led me past the storm to arrive at my success. "Broken people make the best leaders, because their more relatable" I truly believe, I went through many battles because I was destined to give the world a "love letter" in the form of this album.
Music has its own therapy! And this album has the best advice. From tracks like "inside" and keep your head up. They are literally messages of how to tackle things that affect people on a daily basis.
Different Perspective is easily the best album because it encourages people to become a better version on themselves. But don't take my word for it, listen for yourself